Hello everyone and welcome back to the Cognixia podcast. Every week, we get together to talk about the latest happenings, bust some myths, discuss new concepts, and much more about emerging digital technologies. From cloud computing to DevOps, containers to ChatGPT, and Project management to IT service management, we cover a little bit of everything weekly to inspire our listeners to learn something new, sharpen their skills, and move ahead in their careers.
The renowned Theodore Roosevelt was what one would call a lifetime learner. He published his first book – The Naval War of 1812 at the age of 23. After that, he continues to write about politics, biographies, and so much more. It is even a popular rumor that he would read a book a day. All this reading and writing undoubtedly made him all the more charismatic and enigmatic, with a unique capability to talk about and hold an intelligent conversation about more topics than most people would be capable of – from natural conservation to naval expansion, trust regulation to American history. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that learning, for Teddy Roosevelt, was a mode of personal enjoyment and also a path to incredible professional success. He is, after all, one of the most well-regarded and widely remembered American Presidents the world over.
A recent article in the Economist quite rightly pointed out that despite the disruptions in modern economy and polity, especially technology, ongoing skill acquisition is critical to continued professional relevance. At one point in time, formal education levels were directly linked to higher employment and earning potential as well as lower unemployment, however, this formula is no longer as strong as it once was. Besides, when done right, learning is fun. It is such a joy to engage in and learn a new topic, isn’t it? It is a very fulfilling life experience. And, such a meaningful experience shouldn’t be limited to a one-time choice but must be made a lifelong habit. Learning, as a wise man once said, must end when life ends
.Before you can make learning a habit, you would first need to identify and articulate what are the outcomes you would like to achieve with it. It may not be one single outcome, it may not be written in stone to last and stay steady all along. Outcomes can evolve with time. When an outcome is achieved, a new one can be defined, so it is pretty dynamic, so to speak. Are you trying to be better at having more intellectual conversations with peers by inculcating a reading habit? Are you trying to learn a new language to be able to read and understand the rich literature it possesses? Do you want your life to have more meaning and be a richer experience than just the 9 to 5 job you currently have? Is it something you always felt challenged with but now you want to break that cage and master that exact subject? The outcomes and aims could be many, to each their own.
We know someone who reads 120 to 150 books a year, can speak 10 languages, and continues to learn more and read more every day, talking to them is always like being in the presence of such an enigma, because you always end up learning something new, finding out something you never knew before. For most people, reading 10 books a year can be a huge challenge, but for this person, they are genuinely disappointed if they don’t do 120. For them, it is a realistic goal, something they feel they are capable of, but for others, it may not even be realistic in dreams. So, the key is to set goals that are realistic for you and help you achieve the outcomes you want to achieve.

For example, if you want to master the craft of writing amazing prompts to get the most out of Generative AI, start small. Sign up for a course. Do your research. Practice using different prompts. Most tools will offer a guide, so see how the prompts are phrased in those guides, what are the key markers? Focus on understanding how Generative AI works so you can talk to it in a language that the tool can understand and deliver an output exactly as you need. Have specific short-term goals and broader long-term goals. Join online communities that have the same goals and expertise as you do, to keep the peer learning going.
How to keep track of your goals? These days there are apps for everything. Wanting to set a reading target, head to Goodreads. Want to set time-based goals? Head to Clockify. Inculcating unit-based measurable goals and want to track those? Loop is your answer. Want to set weekly goals? Download Way of Life. If high-stakes commitment is more your jam, you need the app called stickK with two Ks in your life.
One thing that goes without saying is that while learning is fun it is also a lot of hard work and distractions don’t make it any easier. So, if you are, for instance, attending live online classes to get a new Cloud computing certification, then maybe keep your phone switched off or at least on silent away from you, so you don’t get distracted and the session can have your undivided attention. If you prefer listening to podcasts or audiobooks, then doom-scrolling those Instagram reels while listening may not always be the best idea.
What we are trying to say is mankind is born with a unique quality – curiosity. Don’t let that curiosity die under the pressures of work and life. Engage with that curiosity and build specific learning habits. Over time, you will find this to be a very rewarding pursuit. It is not just for fun but offers personal fulfillment and professional relevance, both of which are important. So, get your thinking caps on and consider what you would like to learn next.
If you seek live online instructor-led courses to learn the latest emerging technologies, then Cognixia could be your one-stop shop. Visit our website – www.cognixia.com to learn more about our courses, we have some exciting promotions going on. Reach out to our team via the chat function on the website, they will guide you on the next steps and answer all your questions. For everything else, there’s Google!
And, with that, we come to the end of this week’s episode of the Cognixia podcast. We hope we were able to inspire you to learn something new and discover the significance of making learning a lifelong habit. We will be back again next week with another exciting new episode of the Cognixia podcast.
Until then, happy learning!