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Become a Certified FULL Stack (MEAN) Developer with Angular 5.0

FULL Stack (MEAN) Developer Training is a 360° training program offered by Cognixia, comprehensive and designed to train participants in creating enterprise-style applications with server-side code using Node.js, Express framework, front-end coding using Angular.js, and databases with MongoDB. This training program has become one of the most popular and in-demand because of all the benefits it offers with a combination of technologies. Web developers who want to take their careers to a new level can do so with FULL Stack (MEAN) Developer Training (Master Program).

After completion of the training, participants will become experts in front-end and back-end JavaScript technologies of the popular, MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js). This training program is designed to give participants a thorough understanding of FULL Stack (MEAN) technologies, MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js, and more.

Why take a 360° Master’s Program Training in FULL Stack?

To become an expert in front and back-end JavaScript technologies of the most popular and in-demand stack MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js)

To get a comprehensive understanding of Angular to master front-end web development

To get trained on one of the most popular NoSQL databases – MongoDB

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What you'll learn

  • MongoDB This module will ensure that you become an expert in NoSQL database. The sessions will help you learn MongoDB development and administration by mastering skills like modelling, ingestion, query, and data replication. Moreover, you will get to work on real-life projects.
  • Express.js In this module, you will gain in-depth study knowledge on the concepts of Express.js such as routing, middleware, and template engines. Moreover, authentication and securing routes would be covered as part of Express.js security.
  • Angular.js In this module, you will study the most advanced version of Angular i.e. 5.0 along with all the other versions of Angular. You will also get to study various concepts like Dependency Injections, Pipes, Directives, Router, and other Components. You will also learn about various testing tools like Jasmine, Karma CHAI, and other E2C testing.
  • Node.js This module will cover the basics of Node.js, from introducing the concepts of Node and various modules in .js to working with process and file systems.
Who can take this training? FULL Stack (MEAN) Developer Training is perfectly suitable for Web Developers, Project Managers (technical), Technical Leads, Professionals, and Students who want to make a career in FULL Stack (MEAN) Development. Duration: 120 Hours


There are no pre-requisites for learning FULL Stack (MEAN) Development, however, basic knowledge of programming would be beneficial.


Introduction to MongoDB
  • Installing MongoDB
  • The current SQL/NoSQL landscape
  • Document-oriented vs. other types of storage
  • Mongo’s featureset
  • Common use-cases
  • MongoDB databases
  • MongoDB Collections
  • MongoDB Documents
CRUD Operations in MongoDB
  • Creating documents
    • insert()
    • update()
    • save()
  • Querying documents
    • find()
    • Working with equality
    • Query operators
    • Building complex queries
  • Updating documents
  • Deleting documents
Introduction to Mongoose
  • Word on ORM/ODM
  • Installing mongoose
  • Connecting to MongoDB from mongoose
Core Concepts of Mongoose
  • Understanding mongoose schemas and datatypes
  • Working with Models
  • Using modifiers in schema
  • Using virtual fields
  • Optimizing query performance by enabling indexes
Extending Models
  • Working with hooks
  • Validation of model data
  • Creating custom static methods
  • Creating custom instance methods
  • CRUD operations with Mongoose
Express.js Introduction & Setup
  • Installing express
  • First App with express – Demo
  • Little about routes
  • Little about Express middleware
  • Serving static files with express
  • Express application generator
  • What is js
Routing in Depth
  • Route Methods
  • Route Paths
  • Parametrized Routes
  • Route Handlers
  • Express Router
  • Types of middleware
    • Application
    • Router
    • Error
    • Built-in
    • Third-party
  • Error middleware
  • Bodyparser, cookie parser, session management
Template Engines
  • What are template engines
  • EJS
  • Jade
  • Handlebars
Express.js security
  • Authentication
  • JWT
  • Securing routes
Debugging in Express Real-time programming with Socket.io Scaling node.js applications
  • The Child process model
  • exec, spawn, and fork functions
  • Using the Cluster module
Introduction Why Angular.js 5.0?
  • User Experience similar to a Desktop Application
  • Productivity and Tooling
  • Performance
  • Community
  • Full-featured Framework
  • Platform for Targeting Native Mobile not just Web Browsers
Understanding Angular Versions
  • js (Angular 1.x)
  • Angular
    • Angular 0
    • Angular 0
Understanding Angular.js 5.0
  • Drop-in replacement for Angular 0
Angular 4 Features
  • View Engine generates smaller code
  • Enhanced *ngIf syntax
  • Animation code now in own packages
  • TypeScript 1
  • Improved compiler speed
  • Angular Universal
Angular.js 4.0 Basics
  • Components
  • Templates
    • Inline Templates
    • Multi-line Templates using ES6 Template Literals
    • External with Component-relative Paths
  • Modules
  • Models
Angular.js 4.0 Bindings
  • HTML in templates
  • Interpolation
  • Binding syntax
  • Property binding
  • Event binding
  • Two-way data binding
  • Attribute, class, and style bindings
  • Built-in Directives
    • Built-in attribute directives: NgClass, NgStyle, NgModel
    • Built-in structural directives: NgIf (includes enhanced *ngIf syntax in Angular 5.0), NgFor
  • Template Input Variables
  • The NgSwitch Directives
  • Component Communication
    • Input properties
    • Output properties: Custom Events using EventEmitters
Services and Dependency Injection
  • Angular’s Dependency Injection System
  • Registering
  • Injecting
  • Using services to access data
Template-driven Forms
  • NgSubmit Directive
  • FormsModule
  • NgForm, NgModel
  • Displaying validation messages
  • Styling validation messages
Communicating with the Server using the Http Service
  • Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS)
  • Making http GET Requests
  • Making http POST and PUT Requests
  • Issuing a http DELETE Request
  • Importing the RouterModule and Routes
  • Configuring Routes
  • Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet
  • Navigating with RouterLink
  • Accessing parameters
  • Organizing your code into Modules
  • Working with logging and Error Handling
Security with Angular.js
  • JSON based communication
  • Route guards
  • Auth0 based security
  • Tools: Jasmine, Karma
  • Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers
  • Setup and your First Test
  • E2E Testing
Model-driven Forms (Reactive Forms)
  • Reactive Forms Module
  • Abstract Control, Form Control, Form Group, and Form Array
  • Form Builder
  • Validators
    • Displaying Validation Messages
    • Styling Validation Messages
Attribute Directives
  • Creating a custom Attribute Directive using ElementRef, Render
  • Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining
  • Creating a custom Pipe using Pipe Transform
  • Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes
Angular Universal for Server-side Rendering Creating, Building, and Deploying an Angular Application
  • Manually
  • Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Tree-Shaking (removing unused library code)
Introduction to Node.js
  • What is js?
  • A word on eventloop
  • Event driven architecture
  • Blocking VS non-blocking code
  • Setup js
  • Node REPL
  • HelloWorld program
  • Debugging node.js app
Modules in JS
  • Understanding exports and require
  • Creating modules
  • Importing modules
  • Quick tour on npm
  • Installing third-party modules
Events & Streams
  • Significance of Events
  • Event Emitter class
  • Emitting and listening to events
  • Types of streams
  • Working with streams
  • Composing streams using pipe
Working with Process and File System
  • Process object
  • Handling exceptions at process level
  • Listening to process events
  • Working with file system using fs module
  • Creating, Copying, Deleting files
  • Creating, Copying, Deleting directories
  • Watching for file changes

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Certified Industry Experts/Subject Matter Experts with immense experience under their belt.
An internet speed of at least 2 Mbps is essential.
Candidates need not worry about losing any training session. They will be able to view the recorded sessions available on the LMS. We also have a technical support team to assist the candidates in case they have any query.
Access to the Learning Management System (LMS) will be for lifetime, which includes class recordings, presentations, sample code, and projects.
